Sunday, 14 August 2011

Lets catch up... #Sunday Portrait & My BirthWEEK

♥ Lifestyle
I'd like to think I'm pretty brave doing a Sunday portrait what after the Saturday shenanigans.

I don't have much to update on, Only that sadly its the end of my birthweek... yes week! birthdays are for losers :p
Here are some pics from my birthday meal Tuesday and my night out Saturday. Enjoy.

End of the night, i got what every birthday girl wants... a balloon.

My photo skills never fail to amaze me.

(Nor do my dancing skills...)
A bit of sofa dancing with my L: Sister-In-Law and R: My beaut sister

Yummy Fruit Martinis & Cosmopolitans

♥ Health
Uggghhh, I've been bad, real bad.
I'll be back on it Monday, starting with a run after work! Bring on the Fitspiration blogs.

♥ Beauty
I went to get my nails done Saturday morning, I'm pretty impressed with how long they've grown since ridding them of the acrylics! it was an awful process, id worn acrylic nails pretty much on and off (mainly on) for around 4 years so you can imagine the shock they went in to when i got them all naked.
I wanted the half moon manicure, i found a picture and took it to 'my local' although i think they just look like rather big tips??? meh, i like.

In my pictures I'm wearing my new HeadKandy extensions, i got the Deluxe full head set in the shade Espresso, they are the darkest shade of brown so i was pretty surprised at just how light they were when i opened them, but after 4 boxes of hair dye (180g really is a lot of hair to dye!) i think i finally matched them to my natural colour. Hopefully making more of an appearance in my posts.

Speak soon xxx

PS. I'm soooooo excited about Twilight on Wednesday, i have it on DVD but still it would be most rude not to. Oh Rob.♥


  1. You look beautiful and I love your nails! Hope you had a good birthweek ;) xx

  2. Love these pics, the cocktail looks so yummy! x


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