Wednesday, 21 September 2011


Saturday i waved ta ta to my grubby old sticky keyed Blackberry and said Haaaiiii to my new found love.
Isn't she beautiful.

But back to business, now armed with a great (more portable than my Nikon) camera and the Blogger app I'll hopefully be able to do a lot more blogging on the go. So, idk, if you want to see anything give me a shout maybe? does this work in the blogging world or is it more of a vlogging thang? Ack, i'll give it a bash.

Also, if you know of any great Apps that i should not be without please leave a comment,
shes pretty bare atm.



  1. My contractos is due up in novs so I was thinking toss the bb off and get an iphone so I am deffs doing so now- your phone is WELL REEM I am going to invest- do you miss your BBM?


  2. Mine wasnt due up until mid Oct but i couldnt cope with my BBs PMT, it just flipped out whenever it felt like it. I paid off my contract and started a fresh.
    Not at all, everything the BB can do - the iPhone can do better :p x


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