Total weight gain: I've had a massive growth spurt since coming into my third trimester but i haven't actually weighed myself. People keep commenting that I've gotten to big then making me not want to hit them by saying its all bump.
Maternity clothes: I feel like i live in my ASOS skinny jeans and leggings which is slightly annoying as its becoming warmer but maternity dresses make me look HUGE! I'm going to be doing a lunch time stop at H&M to pick up some more basics just in the bigger sizes as i feel its slightly inappropriate to be sporting my old ones that could pass as crop tops!
Looking forward to: Him arriving, although i know i need to be patient until he's a little bigger
Stretch marks: I have some light existing ones from my first pregnancy but starting to see the appearance of a couple of new ones just around the belly button. this is the exact same area i struggled with last tine.
Sleep: I'm just about getting enough sleep, although i woke up at 4am with a mind full of stuff that i needed to do right then, the normal stuff like wash the cot bedding that's not even arrived yet! I'm making up for the lack of sleep with plenty of naps though.
Best moment this week: This will sound really pathetic but buying the cot bed mattress and some baby toys.. I seriously worry that we wont be ready in time for Baby N so whatever progress we make just makes me happy. Also, the nursery is coming together great, everything is up and painted and toys awaiting the little mans arrival.
Movement: We currently have a breech baby! At our checkup the midwife sounded surprised but not that concerned, she said we can worry about that at my next appointment which wont be until May but I've heard it gets more difficult for baby to turn, obviously as he's growing he's running out of chop chop baby get into position! I've also just bought a birthing ball, hopefully bouncing away on that will get bubba into position.
Food cravings: I must admit I've been pretty bad with the sweeties throughout my pregnancy, i just cant stop. I'm trying my hardest to avoid them but when the biscuit tin is offered to me there's no going back.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I'm not that keen on the taste of meat unless its pretty much been cremated, gross i know.
Gender: Little boy.
Labour signs: I thought i had a braxton hick but not entirely sure whether it was that or if id just overdone it. I've been part of the Babycentre community board for quite some time, first joined when i was pregnant with my daughter and have been seeing quite a few birth announcements, luckily all the impatient little June babies are doing great but its made me a little paranoid! The slightest twinge and I'm talking my other half through what he should do if today was the day! ha ha.
Belly button in or out: Full on out!
Happy or Moody: most of the time? I'm pretty happy although my temper is appalling i get wound up over the slightest little thing and unfortunately for my boyfriend its usually his fault oopsie.
Bump: *Will insert cute looking bump shot soon! currently feeling too poop to snap a shot* (promise!)
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