Tuesday, 27 May 2014

36 Week update

How far along: 36 weeks + 6 days

Total weight gain: Not too sure, apparently baby will put on a 1lb a week now! eek

Maternity clothes: I've only got a few more weeks t go so the one i have will just have to be tugged and stretched to cover this bump! 

Stretch marks: Im sure i have a couple right on the part of the bump you cant actually see yourself without the aid of 2 mirrors and some neck bending but im not too bothered. unfortunately its the itchy bump that's causing me the agony! 

Sleep: I've woke up itching my bump a few times which is hellish, once i start i cant stop as it aggravates it so much more, then often end up with a sleepless night.

Best moment this week: My leaving presentation from the lovely ladies at work, lots of lovely words were spoken which brought a tear to my eye! That was good going for me i could have very well just had a full on emotional breakdown had i not tried so hard to hold it together! I got VERY spoilt, my favourite being lots of lovely presents from The Little White Company! It's a favourite of mine but not a shop i make a habit of purchasing from just because the prices can be a bit wacko. 

Movement: My ribs have been taking plenty of bashings this week, its become quite painful on occasion as it seems to be the same one over and over! (I'm hoping for a tap dancer rather than a footballer ;) )

Food cravings: I'm still stocking up on the cereal and ice-lollies...yum

Gender: Little boy.

Labour signs: Not sure if I've fooled myself into thinking i'm in a very long stage of early labour or whether i'm just really fed up now and becoming rather whiny :p

Belly button in or out: Out

Happy or Moody: I've had a bit of a rocky week this week. It was my last day at work on Friday (Until my mat leave is over anyhow) and rather than jumping for joy like most would have expected i felt so sad! I felt a mixture f sadness, loneliness and although it will sound odd i felt quite lost... like i wont have any routine or structure to my day... i know this wont last very long as soon i will have a newborn baby dictating what we get up to but i think all in all the hormones were at their peak and i had a bit of a blubber at well, just about everything!

Looking forward to: His arrival, it come around very quickly but now i think these last few weeks will drag.

Bump: Bumpy at 36 weeks

Monday, 19 May 2014

35 Week update

How far along: 35 weeks + 5 days

Total weight gain: I finally hit the scales, I've gained 25lbs and according to my Mom Weight Gain Calculator  App I'm neither under nor over what i 'should' be and wont be worrying too much about it. I think you should do what your body tells you to do and if my body says hey i want that extra biscuit I'm having that biscuit!

Maternity clothes: No more purchases, I'm trying my hardest but as it warms up i find myself struggling more and more to find clothes that will comfortably accommodate my expanding tum!

Stretch marks: Still no sign of any new stretchmarks and hurrah that annoying rash is starting to clear up. if your struggling with an itchy bump i would highly recommend the E45 itch relief cream its helped me a lot especially in the night, I've even chucked it in my bag a few times in case i get the urge to scratch whilst at work. As mentioned in my last update my midwife recommended Palmers Cocoa Butter, i did get it but decided against the original formula and picked up the Fragrance Free Hypoallergenic one which is enriched with Vitamin E and claims to soften, smooth and relieve sensitive dry skin. Thumbs up all round.

Sleep: I've had a couple of really bad nights, firstly the heartburn is a killer and on top of that I'm having the most vivid dreams which aren't so fun when they turn into nightmares i literally scared myself awake and couldn't get back to sleep (that's when I'm thankful for Netflix, plenty of Ugly Betty to watch over and over again!)

Best moment this week: It was a gorgeous weekend and although my  Mr was working i went to my sisters for a BBQ, it was so nice to just sit in the sun with my family and a snazzy drink pictured below (A lemonade with a slice of lemon and wedge of lime.... closest I'm getting to a cocktail!) 

On Sunday we managed to squeeze in a few hours at the park... i was very tempted to get on that trampoline, what better way to bring on labour huh?!

Movement: He's been a little more active this week, in fact we put Ewen the dream sheep to use one night, i was dead on my feet and all i wanted was a snooze but the little guy was having none of it!.. it seemed to work too, bonus! i cant wait to use it when he's here, hopefully it will have the same calming effect.

Food cravings: I've really craved porridge, not sure why because its pretty boring but i couldn't get it out of my head for around 3 days.. i still haven't had any. Also, with the weather picking up (yes, I'm using the weather as an excuse) I'm back on the ice pop addiction, actually some days i think id be pleased with just an ice cube.

Gender: Little boy.

Labour signs: No labour signs, I'm STILL just waiting patiently.

Belly button in or out: So far our its actually a toy to my daughter now, she very lovingly gives her brother a cuddle and a rub and then has a good poke at my belly button!

Happy or Moody: Very happy week, however, its my last day in the office on Friday and although its what everyone seems to look forward to most (apart from their new arrival of course) I'm pretty emotional and a little scared that i could possibly become bored??!?! Luckily my first week off lands in the school holidays so i will have some company and then I'm left to my own devices... I'm currently thinking what little diy shabby chic project could i get my hands on as I'm not struggling for energy (famous last words?) just yet... Ideas on a post card please for anything that might keep me entertained or what you got up to before the arrival of baby.

Looking forward to: My many leaving lunches with the lovely ladies at work. I've ordered a few things for my changing bag one of these being a wet/dry bag... it sounds very sad but i cant wait for it to come so i can stuff it with a spare change of his clothes and pop it in my changing bag haha... I'm sure the day will come where this is actually just a chore and not a very cute thing to do to fill in 10mins of my time.

Bump: Bumpy at 35 weeks

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

What's in my hospital bag?

Whats in my hospital bag

Following my post on What's in my baby's hospital bag i thought it was only right for the next one to be What's in MY hospital bag... It's not as cute and filled with a lot more of those 'less than glamorous' products but i hope it helps you decide what to bring if you too are packing your hospital bag.
I'm a lot more organized second time round and i do think its down to all the helpful blog posts and you tube videos. With my first pregnancy i packed the basics and i mean the basics,  I must say i have packed a few bits that some may think are vain or superficial (straightners/makeup) but im packing these with the intent that they will make me feel and look more human! I want to be able to look back at the pictures this time round and not cringe! So, each to their own.. why not do all you can to make yourself feel better, after-all you've just given birth and thats possibly the hardest thing to do!

Whats in my hospital bag 2
I've packed 3.. ok 4 nighties/nightshirts to be on the safe side - Maternity Pads - Mini Straighteners (i'm determined to not have an afro this time round) - Hair Brush/Tangle Teezer - Plastic Bags (again, for any dirty clothes) - Hospital Notes - Slippers - Going Home Clothes (Maternity leggings, vest top, shirt & Converse) - Only a hundred pairs of underwear(!) - Socks - Toiletries & Cosmetics (below) - Oh and on top of all of this i somehow need to squish a towel in there... hmmm wish me luck!

What's in my hosp bag 3
lets face it, it aint pretty

Whats in my hospital bag - cosmetics

Benefit 'its potent' Eye Cream - Real Techniques Mini Brush Trio - Origins Vitazing - ELF blush 'Shy' - Benefit High Beam Highlighter - Le Volume De Chanel Mascara - Benefit Fake-Up Concealer - Nars Oil Makeup Remover - Carmex Original Lip Balm - Benefit BrowZing - Cotton Wool Pads - Hair Bobbles - Hair Grips

Whats in my hospital bag - Toiletries
Toothbrush - Toothpaste - Wash Cloth - Boots Anitbacterial Wipes - Feminine Products (Femfresh Wash, Wipes and lots of sanitary pads!) - Body Wash - Dove Deodorant - Palmers Cocoa Butter - Garnier Micellar Water (dispensed) - Soap & Glory Hand Food - Soap & Glory Hand Maid - Batiste Dry Shampoo 'Blush' Hope this post was helpful/interesting!

 Let me know if you have any tips or suggestions for what to pack in your hospital bag.

Saturday, 10 May 2014

What's in my baby's hospital Bag

I've had both mine and baby's hospital bag packed for quite some time, not because i think he will be making an early appearance but just because its something i had been so excited to do (not sure why?!) and couldn't hold out any longer.

So, at the bottom of the bed sits both our bags just ready and waiting.......

Rather than cram loads of stuff in one post I've decided to focus this one on baby N's bag (besides its a lot cuter than mine, jumbo maternity pads anyone?! no didn't think so)

OhMy... Blog - Whats in my Baby Hospital Bag

The bag is stolen borrowed from my mum, I'm not entirely sure where its from but its got a sensible and nifty section on the back which makes it easy to slip over the handle of my hospital bag and lots of different compartments hopefully making it super easy to find things sharpish.
So, nevertheless here are its contents:
  • 45 x Nappies - we've got a ton to choose from just because i don't know which the baby will take to  best, but for the hospital i decided to go with a pack of Pampers New Baby Sensitive. 45 may be a little overboard but i just chucked the whole lot in!
  • We decided to get a little present from baby to his big sister, this is just a cute little rag doll style plush that has Best Big Sister embroidered on the front
  • A couple of plastic bags, these will come in handy for any used/mucky clothes
  • His Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature dummies and a dummy clip which i found on Etsy and thought was just adorable! I know how many dummies get lost in transit so hopefully this will put a stop to that...

  • Tommee Tippee Grooming Kit - Really handy kits that contains a digital oral thermometer, nasal aspirator, toothbrush, brush, comb, scissors, nail clippers and emery boards for those sharp baby nails.
  • 1 x pack of Waterwipes - I've read numerous reviews on these and believe them to be the best out there for newborn bums, so i stocked up and thought i may as well include a pack.. just in case.
  • Cotton wool and nappy sacks - the hospital advise you to use cotton wool for the first few days so that's what I'm going to do and the nappy sacks, self explanatory.
  • spare bib and vest - for any little accidents we may entail.
  • Metanium Barrier Ointment - this came in one of my bounty packs and i thought the sample size was handy to have in there.
  • 2 x 'Baby Packs' - These are just two zipper bags that i have made up to make it easy and quick to grab once baby has been born and ready to be dressed. Rather than rummaging around in the bag looking for bits and pieces each bag has  a full outfit in there (babygrow, vest, socks, mittens and hat) along with a muslin cloth and nappy. i hope I'm only in overnight and that this will last us but if not I'll be sending Liam off home for extra stock!
And that is that. I think I'm pretty much set but if there's anything you'd recommend i take please don't be shy and leave me a comment below.

Friday, 9 May 2014

34 Week update

How far along: 34 weeks + 2 days

Total weight gain: Still not had the urge to weigh myself. I know my weight from when i first found out i was pregnant so will know how much i've gained overall... scary thought.

Maternity clothes: Although in my last update I did say I wouldn't be spending much on any more maternity clothes I did get annoyed with having to rotate the few items I have and went to ASOS for a bit of comfort... I'm going to put a little post together on my maternity items as I feel like I've been through ALL the seasons in this pregnancy and have had to adjust my wardrobe to suit whatever the british weather chuck at me quite a few times! Hopefully the post will give you a few outfit ideas, let you know what i think was worth the purchase or just be good to have a nosey.

Stretch marks: No stretchmarks but I have broken out in a pregnancy rash across the bump this week again which is quite itchy and VERY annoying! My midwife has put it down to yet another change in hormones and has suggested i try Palmers Cocoa Butter, so thats me going to Boots for supplies...again.

Sleep: An easier week thankfully, once i have fallen asleep i havent really woken up throughout the night as i had in the previous week. The heartburn is still there but isn't keeping me awake or waking me up suddenly in the middle if the night. I've also found that i have a much better nights rest with fewer pillows, at one point i was using up to 5 pillows to prop me up and support the bump.

Best moment this week: A Bank Holiday, the sun has been shining and spending lots of time with my family just taking it easy and watching films. Our current fave has to be Frozen! Embarrassingly Liam and i found ourselves laughing more than my daughter!

Movement: Reduced movement but all my apps are reassuring me that this is just down to baby boy running out of space! He does have some sort of routine though, i wake up to feel him wriggling around then he settles, he will often have his mad half hours then time for a snooze haha. At my midwife appoinment i was told he is now head down with his back to my left and bum high in my ribs, at least we're pointing in the right direction!

Food cravings: Like last week, nothing has really appealed to me, im still heavy on the cereal though! Luckily its not those lathered in sugar, it tends to be Wheetaflakes and Malt Wheaties... Mmmm

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing in particular, still not a huge fan of eating meat. Quite similar in my last pregnancy, i couldnt stand the smell of it being cooked.

Gender: Little boy.

Labour signs: No labour signs, I'm just waiting impatiently.

Belly button in or out: Full on out... and will soon be needing its very own postcode!

Happy or Moody: A happy week, im ebracing the bump and just generally feeling great about things.

Looking forward to: My maternity leave starting and the numerous lunches i have in my calendar before i go off. I am a bit worried that i will become bored at home on my own so im hoping for a lightbulb moment for things to fill my time.... other than the school runs and napping!

Bump: Here's Mr bump at 34weeks exactly

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