How far along: 34 weeks + 2 days
Total weight gain: Still not had the urge to weigh myself. I know my weight from when i first found out i was pregnant so will know how much i've gained overall... scary thought.
Maternity clothes: Although in my last update I did say I wouldn't be spending much on any more maternity clothes I did get annoyed with having to rotate the few items I have and went to ASOS for a bit of comfort... I'm going to put a little post together on my maternity items as I feel like I've been through ALL the seasons in this pregnancy and have had to adjust my wardrobe to suit whatever the british weather chuck at me quite a few times! Hopefully the post will give you a few outfit ideas, let you know what i think was worth the purchase or just be good to have a nosey.
Stretch marks: No stretchmarks but I have broken out in a pregnancy rash across the bump this week again which is quite itchy and VERY annoying! My midwife has put it down to yet another change in hormones and has suggested i try Palmers Cocoa Butter, so thats me going to Boots for supplies...again.
Sleep: An easier week thankfully, once i have fallen asleep i havent really woken up throughout the night as i had in the previous week. The heartburn is still there but isn't keeping me awake or waking me up suddenly in the middle if the night. I've also found that i have a much better nights rest with fewer pillows, at one point i was using up to 5 pillows to prop me up and support the bump.
Best moment this week: A Bank Holiday, the sun has been shining and spending lots of time with my family just taking it easy and watching films. Our current fave has to be Frozen! Embarrassingly Liam and i found ourselves laughing more than my daughter!
Movement: Reduced movement but all my apps are reassuring me that this is just down to baby boy running out of space! He does have some sort of routine though, i wake up to feel him wriggling around then he settles, he will often have his mad half hours then time for a snooze haha. At my midwife appoinment i was told he is now head down with his back to my left and bum high in my ribs, at least we're pointing in the right direction!
Food cravings: Like last week, nothing has really appealed to me, im still heavy on the cereal though! Luckily its not those lathered in sugar, it tends to be Wheetaflakes and Malt Wheaties... Mmmm
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing in particular, still not a huge fan of eating meat. Quite similar in my last pregnancy, i couldnt stand the smell of it being cooked.
Gender: Little boy.
Labour signs: No labour signs, I'm just waiting impatiently.
Belly button in or out: Full on out... and will soon be needing its very own postcode!
Happy or Moody: A happy week, im ebracing the bump and just generally feeling great about things.
Looking forward to: My maternity leave starting and the numerous lunches i have in my calendar before i go off. I am a bit worried that i will become bored at home on my own so im hoping for a lightbulb moment for things to fill my time.... other than the school runs and napping!
Bump: Here's Mr bump at 34weeks exactly
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